It works for half of the cases and doesn't work for half of the others by the fact of experience so you need to review the process and inverse the strategy from time to time.
Explain this in simple way not technically because rare people understand the law part and not every body so anyone read the post could general understand it and thanks in advance for your efforts.
Is it cloud storage solutions or not from what I typically understand or does not relate to that so please clarify a little more bit this point thanks in advance for explaining this.
People play generally combo bets because he want to bet half a euro and earn 100 euros while rare people think to bet half euro and win only 10 euros or 20 euros, chance to win 100 euros or 200 euros from half an euro could occur once each 2 or 3 years while all other bets are loser bets, even...
Most or majority of players lose their money or hard earned funds on daily combo bets or wins are lower from total loser combo bets and not reverse situation rare people earn money from sport match betting site and this is the reality or reason to stop playing this game.
Offer may be misleading like verify conditions of cash out bonus and they hold cash or not pay you or verification stay pending they only pay if you lose bonus or small bonus earned.
That is ok. Thanks for clarifying this that seems to be confusing from the first seen. It could be the case I will contact them for further information about the inquiry raised.
I think stake name is registered trademark does this will let casino in probem with stake io original site or it does not relate please kindly clarify this point if you have information for example.
It has a lot of errors inside the system and people may rank prior request while it is not the case for example need staff interfere to correct add to a i services.
Increase of casino staff cost money and not every casino site could afford the cost so depends on advertising spent and development costs it doesn't means having casino means that you are rich person as all of us think nowadays for example.
First they go to direction of customer after that there is a filter of the queries so part goes to department and part are rejected and part are redirected or forwarded to correct department and rejection may be because this was solved on another ticket so a user opens more than one ticket is...
People have some limitations for unverified binance accounts means limited deposit cash out since they require this from first day you open your account unlike some others that let it optional process especially if you use it with binance pay or marketplace between users for example.
Most of time bet the minimum possible bet because there is nothing guaranteed that you win, and also limit your time of gambling per day so you do not lose a lot of money, these are the reputable practices between a lot of users of casino for example.
A game could be reputable certain time but after that it becomes a classic game and every site is implementing it so nothing is special, you could see same games accross gambling platforms to resume this.
Some casinos introduces feature of bet recommandation or adjustements using ai services so you do not need to focus a lot of this part because it is auto generated for example increase or decrease based on bankroll ai system recommandation.
It doesn't control your aspect outside casino because half of gamblers are playing with borrowed money from friends and relative which increases ratio of debts and it is not the ideal solution at all, it could only control your deposited funds into casino where winning is not guaranted.
The theme is nice and good and could be suitable for device use however you need to expand a little visa mastercard and many more did you mean crypto deposit or traditionnal way payment processors because it differs so not everyone have the perk to have an international credit card for example.
It depends because what I see is user is choosing the complaint severity except if moderator after that changes it to accord the correspondant category that would be another thing, this is what i see in tickets of system on casino.
It will be a hard approach especially if casino has a lot of customers and each person on this life has a different attitude add to limited number of agents this will be hard to solve all people problems or even it would be hard to for example resolve all problems or satisfy all customers except...
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