According To Casino.Org Ceo ,Both proposed presidential candidates are having very little say over state gaming regulation.

The Casino_Org CEOs has completely said that both the presidential candidates are working on their campaigns and that is why they do not have time or are thinking one bit about the regulation of the gaming industry actually , both leaders are respectively doing their campaigns in the Ohio and the new Michigan state which are proposed and said to keep running over next few days actually indeed in my opinion .
It is true that both presidential candidates are primarily focused on campaigning in swing states like Ohio and Michigan, and thus may not be directly involved in state gaming regulation discussions at the moment. The regulation of the gaming industry is usually overseen at the state level, so it's the state governments and regulatory bodies that hold the most influence over these matters. However, the positions that the presidential candidates hold on broader issues like states' rights, regulation, and taxation could indirectly impact the gaming industry in the long run. It will be interesting to see how state and federal policies evolve in the realm of gaming regulation following the election. Thank you for sharing this observation.