According to the CMS Report, online casino game speed should be changed.

The CMS Committee Gambling Act review report suggests strengthening stake limits and financial checks, emphasizing frictionless processes.

It proposes default deposit limits, requiring optout. The committee urges proactive safety in gambling design, flagging slots for issues like speed, near misses and disguised losses.

MPs advocate a safety testing regime and explore banning childrens access to social casino games.
The recommendations of the CMS Committee Gambling Act review report focus on strengthening stake limits and implementing financial checks to enhance player safety. One key suggestion is the implementation of default deposit limits, which would require players to actively opt out if they wish to increase their limits. This strategy aims to promote responsible gambling by setting clear boundaries for players from the start.

Furthermore, the report highlights the importance of frictionless processes in online gambling. This means making transactions and interactions as smooth and efficient as possible, while still ensuring necessary safety measures are in place. By streamlining the user experience, it is believed that players can engage more responsibly and enjoy their gambling activities without unnecessary barriers.

The committee also expresses concerns regarding certain aspects of online slots. They emphasize the need to address issues such as game speed, near misses, and disguised losses. These factors can potentially contribute to harmful or addictive behavior, and thus warrant attention to ensure player protection. By designing gambling products with proactive safety features, the aim is to mitigate the risks and offer a more secure environment for players.

In addition, the report suggests implementing a safety testing regime to ensure ongoing compliance and effectiveness of safety measures. This would involve regular assessments of online gambling platforms to verify that they meet the necessary regulatory standards and provide a safe gambling experience.

Another area of focus highlighted in the report is the potential banning of children's access to social casino games. This aligns with the broader aim of protecting vulnerable individuals from exposure to gambling activities at a young age. By restricting access to these types of games, it is hoped that the risk of developing gambling-related issues in children is minimized.

Overall, the CMS Committee Gambling Act review report proposes a range of measures to enhance player safety in online gambling, including stake limits, financial checks, frictionless processes, safety testing, and safeguarding children from exposure to gambling. These recommendations aim to address the ongoing challenges in the gambling industry and promote responsible and secure gambling practices.