According to the Gambling Commission's new data collection process, one in every 40 Britons is a problem gambler.

According to recent research published by the Gambling Commission, one out of every forty individuals in Britain is facing gambling problems. This data was obtained after the Commission revamped its data collection methods. The review process began in 2020, coinciding with the development of the extensive Gambling Survey for Great Britain project.

Throughout this journey, the Commission collaborated with various partners to enhance the participation process and improve the formulation of questions. Notably, they adopted a push-to-web survey methodology to gather information about gambling behaviors across the country, replacing the long-standing telephone survey method.

The latest statistics, derived from a survey conducted in April and May with 4,000 participants, indicate that over half of the respondents had engaged in gambling activities within the previous month. Specifically, the research revealed that 2.5% of those surveyed scored 8+ on the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) screen, indicating that they can be classified as problem gamblers.