ACR Poker offers live packages for Enjoy Poker series

Twenty packages to the Punta Del Este Live Event Qualifiers are available as part of the Punta Del Este Satellites tournament through ACR Poker's Enjoy Poker Series, which takes place from December 1st–9th.

Winners of one of the 20 packages up for grabs will be flown to Uruguay, where they'll be given accommodations for 10 nights at the Enjoy Punta del Este Resort and Casino, as well as a seat in the $1.5 million Millonaria tournament and a ticket to the $500,000 Main Event. The package also includes spending money and airfare, among other things.

ACR Poker claims that the package is worth $8,700.

Although ACR Poker has stated that it plans to reveal more opportunities for in-person travel in 2024, no additional information is currently available.