To adjust to cash games in poker, focus on developing a solid preflop strategy, as this is the foundation of a successful cash game player.
Additionally, learn to adjust your post-flop play based on the size of the pot and the number of players remaining in the hand. Pay attention to your table position and try to exploit it as much as possible.
Be aware of the players at the table, including their playing style and tendencies. And, always maintain proper bankroll management, to ensure you can weather any short-term downswings.
Additionally, learn to adjust your post-flop play based on the size of the pot and the number of players remaining in the hand. Pay attention to your table position and try to exploit it as much as possible.
Be aware of the players at the table, including their playing style and tendencies. And, always maintain proper bankroll management, to ensure you can weather any short-term downswings.