After the group's reorganization, Sarah Stellini was appointed CEO of Hero Gaming.

Patrick Jonker's ten month tenure as CEO of Hero Gaming has come to an end, and Sarah Stellini has been certified to take his place as of November 1, 2022.
The company's top management is believed to have been reorganized as a result of an internal investigation into how to sharpen emphasis on core markets and the customer experience, which itself came after the divestiture of Swedish B2C assets.
Congratulations to stellini as the newly appointed CEO of hero gaming that's a huge one, i think the newly appointed ceo can make some move into investigation the harm gaming has caused and how thy can put an end to the harm that's Just it
I doff my cap to Sarah for her new appointment as the CEO of Hero Gaming after the tenure of Patrick Jonker's ten months came to an end.
Sarah's appointment came as a result of unanimously vote from the management of the organization.