ANJ Unveils Action Plan to Reduce GGR from Problem Gamblers

The French regulator believes that excessive gambling and underage gambling represent a huge problem that operators should tackle
ANJ Unveils Action Plan to Reduce GGR from Problem Gamblers

L’Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ), France’s gambling authority, wants operators to reduce the gross gaming revenue (GGR) they make from problem gamblers. Echoing Kindred’s Journey To Zero initiative, the French regulator hopes to implement a similar safer gambling initiative on a national scale.
The ANJ claims that it is imperative to solve what it believes to be the biggest danger to the French gambling industry. According to the regulator, companies should do more to lower the income they receive from excessive gamblers or minor players. Statistics from 2019 demonstrated that 38.3% of GGR comes from problem gamblers, out of which 20.7% comes from excessive gamblers.