Are friends and families impressed about your gambling activities?



So many families and friends do not like gambling activities and if they get to know that you are in such enterprise,.they may not like it and they will not be impressed until you are able to make good fortune from the activity and you are able to driving luxurious cars. This is when families and friends will be impressed of your gambling activities, some would even want to join.
They will never be impressed with your gambling activities , the only thing that will make them to be impressed is when you have won huge amount of money from the business then they would see you as someone who is good
No, my family do not know about my gambling activities because i keep it as a secret between them for personal reasons, once your family members knows you're into betting they will Start to see you as an irresponsible person
Although I am actually taking the gambling as something very secretive , because am not sure they would actually support the idea of me gambling , so they might not support my gambling activities
Although I am actually taking the gambling as something very secretive , because am not sure they would actually support the idea of me gambling , so they might not support my gambling activities
So many people will take gambling as a secret and no one would come out in my country and tell everyone that he is a gambler because so many things would follow it if such thing happened.
Friends and families will be impressed about your gambling activities if you are able to hit jackpot and you'll win millions of dollars in the process, then they're going to be very happy with your activity.
I don't know their reaction because I have never really taken a look at it I just tell them how excited I will be if I ever wins but I don't wait to see if they are frowning of not. So I don't know that their reaction.
I don't know their reaction because I have never really taken a look at it I just tell them how excited I will be if I ever wins but I don't wait to see if they are frowning of not. So I don't know that their reaction.
I'm very sure that the reactions will be well-known if you hit jackpot in gambling and the win huge amount of money that could change your financial status totally . As that point they would display a positive reaction.
I'm very sure that the reactions will be well-known if you hit jackpot in gambling and the win huge amount of money that could change your financial status totally . As that point they would display a positive reaction.
That's is true Lol you know people love more to associate with success so anytime they see you win big I'm sure that is when they will want to display their reaction which will be about positivity but they would not want you to gamble.
So many families and friends do not like gambling activities and if they get to know that you are in such enterprise,.they may not like it and they will not be impressed until you are able to make good fortune from the activity and you are able to driving luxurious cars. This is when families and friends will be impressed of your gambling activities, some would even want to join.
They are not necessarily impressed because they believe it smacks of irresponsibility and juvenile delinquency. Some other family members are just different and frankly do not give a toss, to be fair