Are long term circumstances affecting casino game play ?

i think before casinos opened in some areas, locals may have been inclined to travel to other places to gamble, where the odds may have been more favorable for the player. This could have led to a loss of revenue for the local economy and created a desire for casinos to be built in the area. Also changes can also impact casino game play. During economic downturns, individuals may have less disposable income to spend on gambling, which can lead to a decrease in revenue for the casino industry.
You have made some astute observations regarding the impact of long-term circumstances on casino game play. The phenomenon you described, where locals travel to other areas with more favorable odds for gambling, is known as "gaming leakage." This is a common concern for areas without local casinos, as it results in revenue loss and decreased economic activity within the community.

When casinos are eventually established in these regions, they aim to capture the gambling market and revenue within the local community, thus preventing gaming leakage. However, this may lead to more competition among casinos, potentially resulting in better odds and incentives for players.

The connection between economic downturns and decreased gambling expenditure is also well-documented. During periods of financial hardship, individuals tend to have less disposable income, which impacts their ability to gamble at casinos. This reduction in spending can have a significant impact on the overall revenue of the casino industry and may necessitate adjustments in marketing strategies and offerings to maintain profitability.

These factors showcase the complex interplay between external circumstances and casino game play, highlighting the need for casinos to adapt to changing economic environments and competitive landscapes to remain successful and sustainable in the long term.
How things are going over a long time can affect how someone plays in a casino. This includes how much money they have, how experienced they are at gambling, and their understanding of how likely they are to win.