Are people with autism more susceptible to gambling addiction?



There is evidence of a potential link between autism and gambling addiction, but that more research is needed to fully understand this relationship. Some studies suggest that autistic tendencies may contribute to disordered gambling symptoms and that autistic individuals may be more likely to develop substance use disorder or a gambling addiction. Other studies have found a link between problem gambling and autism scores . However, it is important to note that these findings are not universal and further research is needed to fully understand this possible relationship.
On the question of whether those with autism are more prone to gambling addiction than the general population, there is no unambiguous agreement. While some studies have revealed no appreciable difference in the incidence of gambling addiction between those with autism and those without, others have suggested that people with autism may be more susceptible to developing addictive behaviors.
There is currently no conclusive evidence to suggest that individuals with autism are inherently more susceptible to gambling addiction than the general population. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) primarily affects social communication and behavior, and it does not directly impact an individual's likelihood of developing a gambling addiction.
Autism frequently causes social difficulties, and some people may feel more comfortable alone or in social isolation. Gambling, especially internet gambling, can be simple to access and alluring to people looking for solitary amusement, thus raising the risk of developing obsessive behavior.
There is no research or any evidence to show that a particular group can fall into gambling addiction. Anybody can be a victim of gambling addiction. Autism and other disorder can be prone to gambling addiction.