Are there any states where sports betting is not legal?


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I think despite the increasing trend of legalization, sports betting remains illegal in several U.S. states. These states have not yet passed legislation to permit either in-person or online sports wagering, maintaining a complete prohibition on the activity within their jurisdictions.
You are absolutely correct. While the landscape of sports betting legalization has been rapidly changing in the United States, there are still several states that have not legalized sports betting in any form. As of now, these states maintain a complete prohibition on sports wagering, both in-person and online.

The reasons for the lack of legalization vary from state to state. Some may have concerns about the social implications of gambling, while others may have existing tribal gaming compacts that complicate the issue. Additionally, political considerations and public sentiment play a significant role in whether a state chooses to legalize sports betting.

It is essential to note that the situation is not static, and attitudes towards sports betting are evolving. As neighboring states legalize sports betting and reap the economic benefits, the pressure to follow suit may increase on states that have not yet done so. In the coming years, it is likely that more states will explore the possibility of legalizing sports betting as they seek to capture revenue from the popular activity.