Are you a poker player or a gambler?



I'm a poker player at heart. Poker appeals to me because of the skill involved, the strategy, the challenge of out-thinking your opponents. winning at poker feels earned. But I also got the gambler's spirit - I love the thrill of the action, the excitement of not knowing how each hand will play out. Poker feeds that appetite for risk and reward.

Still, I know the difference. Poker is a game where intelligent play improves your odds over time. Poor gamblers will always lose money in the end. Me, I try to approach poker with discipline, manage my money smart, pick my spots. I don't make bets I can't afford just chasing some crazy longshot.

So you might say I'm guided more by the player than the gambler. But a little reckless gambling lust adds spice to the game. Without it, poker would just be math. And where's the fun in that? I aim to win with my head, but my heart wants to keep me on the edge of my seat. The perfect balance, some might say, of player and gambler.