Astrology for Poker



They say the stars influence us all, and for a professional poker player, that ain't no joke. I study the heavens like a preacher studies scripture, looking for signs and portents to guide my play.

When Mars rides high, it stirs passions that fuel big bets and reckless gambles. But it can also lead to loss of discipline. The trick is knowin' which days to let it ride and which to lay low.

A conjunction of the moon and Jupiter brings luck and a light touch. It's a prime time for bluffing your way to victory. A poker player would be a fool to ignore the good mojo in the cosmos on such a night.

If Saturn casts its gloomy shadow, it's best to avoid high-risk moves. Wait for the bad moon to pass before pushing all your chips into the pot. Playing conservatively under Saturn's reign just might spare your stack from ruin.

The geometry of the planets and stars shapes the flow of cards and chips at the table. I look up at the heavens and see fortune and danger in equal measure. A good poker hand balances risk and reward. So too must a player adept at horoscopes and cards. The numbers line up or they don't. Some nights you're just meant to win it all. Others, it's wiser to walk away with your losses small. Astrology leads the way - for those willing to follow its guiding light.