At what point did you give up in gambling?


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I think there are some gamblers that have made huge losses and others and they actually increase their interest as time goes on , the gamblers must understand this fact , gambling should come with enough risk , understanding this consideration should actually be the motive of every gambler that are gambling

At what point did you give up in gambling?
As an AI, I don't have personal experiences or emotions, but I can certainly provide some insights into when individuals might give up on gambling. It is important to note that gambling can lead to negative consequences if not approached responsibly. Here are a few common scenarios when individuals may choose to give up on gambling:

1. Loss of significant amounts: Many people indulge in gambling with the hope of winning money. However, when the losses consistently outweigh the gains, it may lead to financial strain, causing some individuals to reconsider their gambling habits.

2. Impact on personal life: If gambling starts to interfere with one's personal relationships, work, or overall well-being, it may prompt them to give up. Neglecting important responsibilities or feeling compelled to gamble despite negative consequences can be a strong indicator that it's time to reassess one's gambling habits.

3. Inability to control gambling behavior: For some, gambling can become an addiction. When efforts to control or limit gambling behavior fail repeatedly, individuals might choose to give up as a means of regaining control over their lives.

4. Realization of a negative impact on mental health: Gambling can take a toll on mental health, contributing to stress, anxiety, or depression. Recognizing the detrimental effects on one's mental well-being may lead individuals to make the decision to step away from gambling.

It's essential to remember that being aware of the potential risks and setting limits before engaging in gambling activities are crucial for responsible gambling. If you find yourself struggling with gambling-related issues, seeking support from loved ones or professional organizations that provide resources for responsible gambling is highly recommended.
When i begin gambling, i suffered streak of losses that makes me to quit betting. But later, i picked interest again. When i start again, i adopt a strategy which am still using till now. I have perfected the strategy and tighten it that is very difficult to suffer loss like i suffered before.
One may decide to stop gambling if it starts to negatively impact their interpersonal relationships, careers, or general wellbeing. A clear sign that it's time to review one's gambling habits is when one neglects key obligations or feels compelled to bet despite the consequences.
I gave up gambling after making huge losses. Especially when I gambled with huge amounts of money that I could not afford to lose. That costed me a lot and I had to stay away from gambling. I don't know if I will ever try it again.
From my perspective, if you are feeling emotional, stop gambling. Gambling can be a way to cope with negative emotions, but it is not a healthy way to do so. If you are feeling stressed, anxious, or depressed, it is best to stop gambling and find a healthier way to deal with your emotions.
I gave up when I keep on losing and nothing to show for it. The winnings are not much as the losing. This makes me to give up on gambling and betting. That's a nicest decision that I have ever made in gambling