Australia bookkeeper jailed for embezzling $463,000 to fuel gambling habit

After stealing more than $463,000 from her ex-partner'stransportationbusiness to support her crippling online gambling addiction, a 43-year-old bookkeeper from Melbourne was given a four-year community correction order. The fact that the court decided against imposing a jail sentence highlights the harm that addiction can do to a person and how gambling can negatively impact friends and family.

She also overused a corporate credit card, accruing $20,500 in personal charges, mostly for internet gaming.
A manager stole over $2 million from clients' funds through 239 fraudulent transactions and created 337 false documents to facilitate these frauds, using the money to fuel his gambling addiction. Gavin Fineff, a financial planner, was sentenced to at least five years and four months in jail for defrauding $3.3 million from 12 victims, using the money for his gambling addiction