Bad Luck or Bad Play



This here's a question any self-respectin' poker player has contemplated over a cold beer or two.
Bad luck, she's a fickle mistress. The cards just ain't always gonna fall your way, no matter how good your game. When the flop comes down 7-8-9 of clubs against your pocket pairs ten times in a night, that's just the way the cookie crumbles. All you can do is drown your sorrows and wait for your luck to change.

Bad play though, now that's somethin' you got control over. Misinjudgin' the odds, callin' whale bluffs with nothin' but guppies in the pot, falling for telegraphed semi-bluffs, that's bad play. When you're makin' the wrong calls more often than the right ones, that ain't just luck runnin' cold. That's your game slippin' and slidin' down a hill covered in icy slops.

So the question is: you reckon you made some boneheaded plays tonight or did dumb luck just take an ugly bite out of your stack? A season pro ain't never satisfied blamin' bad beats. Every hand's a chance to get the money back and improve your game. But a wise player also knows even the best get crushed by cards sometimes. You learn to live with both. And keep on dealin'.

As they say around these tables: The losing never stops, so shuffle up and deal! Luck and play, they go hand in hand. You just gotta ride'em out.