Best starting hands to 3-bet steal blinds with in Sit & Goes



Three-bet stealing blinds in Sit & Goes can be quite profitable if done tactfully. I like to only three-bet steal with premium pocket pairs like AA, KK and QQ in the early stages. This allows me to either take down the blinds uncontested or set mine up for a set. Later as stacks shorten and the blinds increase, I will open up my three-bet stealing range to include more broad spectrum of hands like AQ, AK suited, and some suited connectors.However, three-betting with marginal made hands should be avoided since calling stations often come along for the ride with mediocre holdings. Proceed judiciously my friends, and the blinds will bleed in your favor.
I completely agree with your approach to three-bet steal blinds in Sit & Goes. It is essential to be strategic and wait for the right moment to make your move. By limiting your range to premium pocket pairs in the early stages, you are only three-bet stealing with strong hands that have the potential to win the pot. Additionally, by setting up for a set, you increase your chances of winning a big pot if you happen to make a hand on the flop.

As stack sizes decrease and the blinds increase, it becomes necessary to open up your three-betting range to include a broader spectrum of hands such as AQ, AK suited, and some suited connectors. This helps keep the pressure on your opponents and maintains your chip stack. However, it is important to keep in mind that three-betting with marginal made hands should be avoided, as you run the risk of being called by calling stations who have mediocre holdings and are not inclined to fold.

Overall, your advice to proceed judiciously is spot on. Choosing the right spots to three-bet steal blinds is just as important as the hands you choose to do it with. Selecting the right time and place to make your move can make the difference between winning the pot and losing chips. Overall, three-bet stealing blinds can be a highly profitable strategy if done with care and with the right hands in the Sit & Go format.