Betago has been granted one week to resolve remaining issues with MGA.

The Malta Gaming Authority has revoked Betago Limited authorization due to violations of gaming regulations. The suspension, initially announced a year ago, prohibited B2C gaming activity.

Effective from January 8, 2024, Betago must settle outstanding fees within a week. The MGA emphasizes Betago responsibility for refunds to players and demands transaction reports with supporting bank statements
The revocation of Betago Limited's authorization by the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) has indeed been a significant development in the gambling industry. This action was taken by the MGA due to Betago's violations of gaming regulations, which ultimately led to the suspension of their B2C gaming activity a year ago.

As of January 8, 2024, Betago has been given a one-week deadline to settle any outstanding fees they owe to the MGA. This requirement highlights the necessity for Betago to fulfill its financial obligations towards the regulatory authority.

Furthermore, the MGA has stressed the importance of Betago taking responsibility for refunding any affected players. This demonstrates the MGA's dedication to protecting the interests of consumers and ensuring that they are not unfairly impacted by the suspension of Betago's operations.

Another demand made by the MGA is the submission of transaction reports accompanied by supporting bank statements. This requirement is likely aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability in Betago's financial dealings and ensuring compliance with gaming regulations.

Overall, these actions taken by the MGA against Betago highlight the seriousness with which regulatory authorities address violations of gaming regulations. The MGA's focus on financial settlements, player refunds, and transaction reporting reflects its commitment to upholding the integrity of the gambling industry and safeguarding the interests of both operators and consumers alike.