Betsson proposes that the board of directors be re-elected.

Betsson nomination committee suggests re-electing current directors including Johan Lundberg as board chair at the May 7 2024 AGM.

Shareholders are advised to support the reappointments. A proposal to increase board fees by 10% will also be considered. CEO Pontus Lindwall won't receive board fees.

The committee with members presents these proposals after Betsson successful year marked by a record Q3.
It is interesting to hear that Betsson's nomination committee is suggesting the re-election of the current directors, with Johan Lundberg being proposed as the board chair. This shows that the committee has confidence in the current leadership team and believes they have been effective in their roles.

Additionally, it is worth noting that shareholders are being advised to support these reappointments, which indicates that the committee believes these directors have performed well and have the support of the company's stakeholders.

The proposal to increase board fees by 10% is also worth considering. This may be seen as a way to attract and retain top talent on the board while also recognizing the increased responsibilities and workload that directors may face as the company continues to grow and succeed.

It's worth noting that CEO Pontus Lindwall will not receive board fees. This could be seen as a way to ensure transparency and avoid any potential conflicts of interest.

The fact that these proposals are being made after a successful year for Betsson, particularly highlighted by a record Q3, is also significant. It suggests that the company has been performing well and the current directors have played a role in its success.

Overall, it seems that the nomination committee is confident in the current board of directors and believes that their re-election is in the best interest of the company and its shareholders.