BGC Faces Criticism over Unclear Study Representation

A study that probed the impact of the illegal gambling market during the World Cup was reportedly represented in a way that wasn't "fully accurate," a report claims.

The Betting and Gaming Council (BGC), the industry body representing the UK gaming and betting sector, faces criticism over the representation of information on separate occasions, a Monday report released by The Guardian reveals. The announcement comes at a time when BGC’s boss, Michael Dugher, is planned to appear in front of MPs on Tuesday as a part of the government’s plans to overhaul the regulation of the gambling industry in the country.

The Liberal Democrat peer Lord Foster, the new report suggests, raised his concerns about the reliability of the BGC, in light of controversial information regarding the results of a study published earlier this year. The study involved the impact of the illegal gambling market during the World Cup in Qatar between November and December 2022.