Brazil's Betting Bill returns to Deputies as the Senate reverses casino orders.

Brazils Senate approved the foundational text of Bill 3626/2023 for a federal sports betting market. Amendments led to its return to the Chamber of Deputies for analysis.

The Senate upheld Liberal Party Senator Carlos Portinhos appeal to exclude online casinos from the bill, emphasizing the focus on regulating fixed-odds betting.

They rejected a ban on sports betting advertising and dismissed an appeal to exclude physical betting machines.
This is indeed an important development in Brazil's betting legislation. The approval of the foundational text of Bill 3626/2023 by the Senate marks another step forward in the process of establishing a regulated federal sports betting market in the country. However, some significant amendments have been made, prompting the bill's return to the Chamber of Deputies for further analysis.

One notable amendment upheld by the Senate was Liberal Party Senator Carlos Portinho's appeal to exclude online casinos from the bill. The focus of the legislation will predominantly be on regulating fixed-odds betting rather than online casino gambling. This amendment speaks to the Senate's desire to prioritize specific aspects within the broader gambling landscape.

Furthermore, the Senate rejected a ban on sports betting advertising, which suggests that lawmakers believe it is acceptable to promote sports betting within certain parameters. This decision acknowledges the need to strike a balance between promoting responsible gambling and allowing operators to advertise their services.

Lastly, the Senate dismissed an appeal to exclude physical betting machines from the bill. This implies that the regulation and inclusion of such machines in the market are seen as necessary and viable. The Senate's decision in this regard suggests that physical betting terminals may have a role to play in the future of Brazil's gambling industry.

Overall, these amendments and decisions by the Senate reflect the ongoing discussion and debate surrounding Brazil's betting legislation. As the bill returns to the Chamber of Deputies for analysis, it will undoubtedly undergo further scrutiny and potential modifications before reaching its final form.