British racing authorities launch public survey on facets of gambling white paper

The British Horseracing Authority, Racing TV, At The Races, and the Racing Post, four of Britain's horseracing authorities, have banded together to oppose the affordability checks methodology proposed in the white paper.

The four organizations then asked UK gamblers to participate in a poll to express their opinions on the plans before the UK Gambling Commission's deadline for public comments which is October 18.

By October 9, British players can respond to the survey. The survey will take 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and responses will be kept anonymous. The BHA also urged supporters to respond by October 18 to the UKGC's survey.
It is a commendable action to secure the representation of a broad range of viewpoints and beliefs in the process of making decisions. In actively soliciting feedback from the general public, the governing bodies in charge of racing are showcasing their dedication to openness and responsibility.