Burningbet.com Reviews


Burningbet is a sport betting and casino website when you can please games on live football and other sports, this website claims to offer the best odds on sport betting and fair games on casino.

Their contact support which is available via live chat is what I have noticed and love about them, it gives you the ability to chat with them online without having to contact them via email.

Some games on burningbet
The Dog house
Shugar Rush
Minesweeper etc.

Deposit methods on burningbet
This website offers visa, Mastercard and Bitcoin only as deposit methods and you'll get upto 100% on your first deposit which can also be used to place bet on the website.

Withdrawal method
You can request for payment once you've reached the threshold of €5 for wire transfer but if you want to request payment to your Bitcoin wallet, you'll have to reach the threshold of €20. I have not confirmed if this casino website is legitimate yet so you're depositing at your own risk.
In as much i really like casino games, i have never any casino games before on a website that contain both sport betting and casino. I like concentrating on one
By mere looking at the burningbet, one would concluded that it is moreless sportsbetting site. But surprisingly, it has casino offers as well. One good thing I like about the site is the ability to play live football game in it.
those gaming platform that offers both casino and sport together is cool, you can easily switch to anyone you feel like playing unlike playing a particular game
It really looks exactly and predominantly like a sport betting site. I don't actually think it's easy for a gambling site to show both the features of sport betting and casino in one platform