Californian Theft Leaves Bankers Casino Short of $95,000

The derring-do of a single suspect who walked over to the cash location at the Bankers Casino and walked out with $95,000 without raising suspicion has befuddled investigators
Salinas police reported the case which took place on Sunday morning and was not noticed until after the employee in charge of cash noticed the discrepancy between the money present and the money reported.

The theft was immediately signaled to the police, which arrived on the scene. Upon scrutinizing video surveillance, authorities found out that the suspect was dressed in a dark hoodie, and black pants, and wore both a black facemask and sunglasses.

While cameras have been able to capture the man and have pinned his weight to around 200 pounds and height to 5-6 feet, no one has been arrested so far. The case itself is somewhat sparingly detailed in reports.