In online poker games, players often have the option to request a time extension if they need more time to make a decision. Time extensions are commonly provided in online poker platforms to allow players to think through their actions and make informed choices without feeling rushed.
Typically, players are allocated a set amount of time for each decision, and they may have the option to use a time bank or time extension when they require additional time beyond the standard limit. The specific rules regarding time extensions can vary between different online poker platforms, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of the platform you are playing on.
Typically, players are allocated a set amount of time for each decision, and they may have the option to use a time bank or time extension when they require additional time beyond the standard limit. The specific rules regarding time extensions can vary between different online poker platforms, so it's essential to familiarize yourself with the specific rules of the platform you are playing on.