Can addictive gambler change to becoming a proper responsible gamblers ?


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I think with proper treatment and support, addictive gamblers can change and become responsible gamblers. It's important to understand that gambling addiction is a serious condition that requires professional help. Addictive gambling can lead to negative consequences and impact an individual's personal, financial, and professional life.There are various treatment options available for gambling addiction, including cognitive-behavioral therapy, support groups, and medication. Treatment can help individuals understand the triggers that lead to their gambling behavior and learn healthy coping mechanisms to manage cravings and avoid relapse.
Addictive gamblers can potentially become responsible gamblers, but it's challenging. It requires significant commitment, therapy, and support systems. Many need to abstain completely. Those who succeed often develop strict self-control strategies, financial limits, and coping mechanisms.
Studies indicate that addiction to gambling may be influenced by both neurological and psychological factors. Effective treatment strategies can be informed by knowledge of the underlying neurological and psychological foundations.