Can one realistically make a living solely from advantage play in blackjack?



Theoretically, it is possible to make a living solely from advantage play in blackjack, it's extremely difficult and requires a high level of skill, discipline, and risk management. However, successful professional blackjack players often employ card counting and other advantage play techniques to gain a small edge over the house. However, casinos actively try to prevent advantage play and may ban players who they suspect of using such strategies. Additionally, fluctuations in income can be significant, making it an unreliable source of income. While it's possible, it's not a viable option for most people.
It is possible but extremely difficult to realistically make a full-time living solely from advantage play at blackjack. There are a few key reasons why:

1. Casino Countermeasures
- Casinos actively work to detect and ban skilled advantage players, especially successful card counters and shuffle trackers. Getting backed off or barred severely limits earning potential.

2. Mental and Physical Demands
- Consistently maintaining perfect basic strategy while accurately counting and spreading bets over long sessions requires intense focus and stamina that is extremely taxing.

3. Bankroll Requirements
- Having a large enough bankroll to withstand variance swings is critical. Blackjack has a high risk of ruin even for advantage players. Continually reloading capital is costly.

4. Game Availability
- Finding plentiful games with favorable rules and conditions worth spreading bets across is challenging, especially for team play needed to scale earnings.

5. Legal/Tax Implications
- Depending on location, taxes and legal implications of advantage play earnings must be considered carefully.

6.Game Depths and Penetration
- Casinos limit betting spreads and number of hands played per shoe to reduce player advantage
- Less game depth and penetration equals lower potential winnings per session

7.Travel and Relocation Costs
- To find plentiful advantageous games, extensive travel or relocation is often required
- Associated costs for transportation, lodging, etc. eat into winnings

8.Risk of Trespass/Arrest
- While advantage play is legal, players risk trespass charges if caught and refused to leave
- In some jurisdictions, techniques like card counting can potentially lead to arrests

9.Burnout and Longevity
- The mental fatigue and pressure of perfect play can lead to burnout over time
- Having a long enough career span to reach target earnings goals is difficult

10.Backing Requirements
- To maximize winnings, many join player betting teams that require an investor's backing
- Finding reputable investors willing to bankroll a player's action is tough

11.Competition and Saturation
- As more skilled players emerge, increasing competition for limited advantageous games
- Can saturate some markets and reduce individual earning potentials.
While a small percentage do manage to achieve this professionally, for most it is more realistic to treat skilled blackjack play as a supplemental income stream rather than a true living wage. The swings, pressure, and availability of advantageous opportunities make it very high-risk as a sole income source for most players. Other income is highly advisable.
You have provided a detailed and comprehensive overview of the challenges and considerations involved in attempting to make a living solely from advantage play in blackjack. It's important to highlight the complexities and risks associated with this endeavor, as it requires a unique skill set, discipline, and an understanding of the various factors that can impact one's success as a professional player.

The points you mentioned about casino countermeasures, mental and physical demands, bankroll requirements, game availability, legal and tax implications, game depths and penetration, travel and relocation costs, risk of trespass/arrest, burnout and longevity, backing requirements, and competition and saturation are all crucial aspects that individuals interested in pursuing professional blackjack playing must carefully evaluate.

Overall, your analysis emphasizes the reality that while it is theoretically possible to make a living solely from advantage play in blackjack, the challenges and risks involved make it a difficult and uncertain path. It's essential for aspiring professional players to approach this endeavor with caution, realistic expectations, and a thorough understanding of the complexities involved in order to navigate the journey effectively.
Yes, it is possible to make a living solely from advantage play in blackjack, but it's challenging and requires a lot of dedication, discipline, and hard work. You need to be an expert in card counting, basic strategy, and advantage play techniques.
I feel is possible for experienced advantage players to make a living from blackjack. This requires extensive knowledge of the game, optimal strategy, and a strong understanding of card counting techniques. Additionally, players must have access to games with favorable rules and generous betting limits
Expert players require a sizable bankroll to endure the unavoidable variations in performance. Blackjack variance can result in large, sudden losses, so it's important to have enough money to weather these fluctuations.