Can you control yourself after a big loss so you don't lose your bankroll?



Losing's always tough to swallow, but if you wanna survive long in this game you got no choice. After a bad beat, the smart move is to walk away - don't go tryin' to win it all back in one hand. That's how bankrolls get busted wide open. When you're tilted, the plays you make ain't the same plays you'd make with a clear head.

My strategy is, take a timeout. Go smoke a cigarette or have a drink to calm the nerves. Let the anger fade and remember why you're really there - to take home more money than you came with. Once I've cooled off and got perspective again, I can sit back down and start playing solid without letting losses or wins alike go to my head. That discipline's key if you aim to grin and win it in the end.

Can you control yourself after a big loss so you don't lose your bankroll?