Can you explain how to calculate implied cutoff points?



Implied cutoff points refer to the percentage of hands a player must play to break even or make an expected profit based on the blinds and antes in the game. There are a few steps to calculate implied cutoffs:

1) Determine the blinds and antes for the game. This includes the small blind, big blind and any antes from players.

2) Calculate the total amount of money players must put into the pot pre-flop - this is the sum of blinds and antes.

3) Figure out the rake that the casino takes as a percentage of the total pot. Subtract this from 100% to get the player's share of the pot.

4) Divide the player's share of the pot (from step 3) by the total money going into the pot pre-flop (from step 2). This gives you the implied cutoff as a percentage - the minimum percentage of hands a player must play to break even.

For example, if blinds are $2/$4, antes are $1, and the rake is $1 or 5% - the total into the pot pre-flop is $7. The player's share is 95% ($7 x 0.95 = $6.65). So the implied cutoff is 94.3% ($6.65 / $7). The player must play at least 94.3% of hands to break even.
I think Equity refers to the percentage chance you have of winning the pot. You can calculate equity with the help of poker software like Equilab or PokerStove. Equity required is the percentage or decimal that represents the minimum amount of time you must win the hand to break even.