Can you give an example of a situation where it's better to wait before going all-in with pocket aces?



Early in a tournament, when you are around the middle of the pack in chips but close to the bubble where knockout payouts increase, going all-in with pocket aces may bust you out of the tournament with only a small prize. Waiting to see how your chips compare to others as players are knocked out, and the payouts for the money spots increase, may give you more to gain and less to lose by going all-in later. For example, if going all-in early could win an additional 1% of the prize pool but risk busting for 10% of the prize pool, but later you have 5 times more chips relative to others and going all-in could win 10% of the prize pool while only risking 1% of the total prize money, then waiting for better odds could yield a much larger potential gain for the same relative risk.