Can you give an example of a situation where limping in would be advantageous?



I hold a suited jack-10 of hearts in late position at a full table. The blinds are $200/$400. No one has raised yet, so I have options.

Raising to $800-1000 with this marginal hand will likely provoke 3-bets from better hands and put me in a difficult position. However, limping in allows me to see the flop cheaply for $400.

If the flop comes heart-high, giving me top pair and realistic outs, the pot will already be $1400. I can then raise to $3000-5000, putting pressure on any worse hands that stayed in and better hands that call. Even if only two players remain, I have position on a flop TPTK.

The scenarios where limping leads to a larger, more profitable pot outweigh the chances of getting knocked out early by decent hands that call my raise. With a hand that can easily improve to the best hand, earning an extra $1000 by flopping a strong hand makes more sense than getting 3-bet and committing $3000 pre-flop with 28% equity. Limping leads to a pot that will motivate stronger hands to stay involved, which in turn motivates me when my jack-high hand improves. Sometimes restraint leads to reward.
Say you're in a strong position and everyone in front of you has folded. You hold a hypothetical hand that resembles suited connectors, such as the 7-8 of hearts. Because suited connectors have the ability to create powerful hands like flushes or straights in this situation, limping in can be a wise choice.
When you are first to act and you have a weak hand. Limping in with a weak hand can be a way to avoid giving away information about your hand strength. If you limp in, your opponent will not know if you have a strong hand or a weak hand. This can give you an advantage later in the hand when you have more information about the board. Limping in with a marginal hand can be a way to save money when the blinds are small. If you raise, you will have to pay more money to enter the pot, and you may not be getting the right odds to do so.