Can you give an example of a time when you went all-in and it paid off?



The game was a $2/$5 no-limit hold'em cash game at my local cardroom. I had spent several hours already at the table, up and down a bit, but still mostly treading water with around $600 in my stack.

One hand, after a couple limpers to the flop, I called with two heart 7's, a marginal hand I felt decent equity in. The turn was a blank, but the river completed a flush draw by bringing a heart. Only the player one behind me in the betting order raised the pot significantly, and I wasn't sure there were strong flush draws for him with his typical tight-aggressive style.

I had around $350 in the pot at this point, so pot-odds suggested calling with any marginal heart draw to have a shot at winning $700+ total. Also believing my opponent was unlikely to make such a large raise bluff, I determined going all-in on my heart flush draw had a reasonable expectation to be the correct play.

Of course, he immediately called. The board paired the heart, giving me four of a kind, which held up as the second best hand. I ended up winning over $1,200 total, crimping my one determined opponent's stack quite handily!