Can you give me an example of a weak player's betting pattern?



Bill was new to the table and telegraphed his weakness with every action. On any hand that had a club, spade or heart showing, Bill would instantly raise the pre-flop betting by a factor of 3 or more without considering position or implied odds. His raises seemed motivated by a desire to build the pot size rather than actual hand strength.

When Bill raised with 78o on a Qd3d8d flop, most players suspected his hand was poorly suited to the board. The only ace-king type hands that Bill likely held were ones including an offsuit 7 or 8 as the kicker. But Bill continued betting like his hand could never be behind, raising again on a turn 2 and river 5, which completed no straight or flush possibilities.

By the river, Bill had already put nearly his entire stack into a pot he seemed certain to lose. His loose-aggressive play had given the whole table ample opportunities to call smaller bets or fold marginal hands, allowing them to invest with equity in the pot against Bill's presumed inferior holdings. Bill was a prime example of a weak player whose undisciplined betting patterns would enrich the stacks of sharper players at the table over many hands.