Can you make a living by playing Bridge?



Bridge, now that's a classy game for high rollers with plenty of time on their hands. While I wouldn't mind swapping poker for a few Bridge tournaments, the odds of going pro off Bridge winnings alone are pretty slim. See, in poker, if you get really hot at the right time, go on a heater at the World Series or Final Table, you might ride that into some serious bank.

Bridge players rarely get that lucky. They're grinding out points and opponents at a mostly steady pace. Top Bridge pros make a decent living, sure, but usually not enough to quit the day job for good. My kind of game, poker, now that's where a lesser-skilled player like myself still has a chance to make some big bluffs, catch some cards, and maybe get their whole life changed with one monster pot. Ain't ever heard of that happening at a Bridge tournament! So I'll keep playing my weekends at the casino card rooms, where there's more action and chance than any stuffy Bridge club.