Can you provide examples of dealer's hidden moves that players should watch out for?



Here are some examples of dealer's hidden moves at blackjack tables:

• Deliberately slowing the pace of the game when they see a player on a hot streak, trying to break their concentration.

• Subtly flashing a smile or frown to influence if a player hits or stands.

• Mishandling cards to slightly expose values, trying to help players make poorer decisions.

• Accidentally dropping or misdealing cards to cause confusion and mistakes.

• Violating shuffle procedures to stack the deck in the casino's favor.

Players need to be vigilant, watch the dealer's hands and face closely, and ignore any attempts at nonverbal communication. Focus only on the odds, your own hand value, and the rigid rules of basic strategy. With discipline, you can overcome a dealer's psychological tactics and edge closer to that magical 0.5% house advantage.
The dealer may check their hole card to see if they have blackjack in casinos that allow late surrender, and if they don't, players may surrender if they don't want to play their hand any further. Usually, when you give up, you lose half of your initial wager.
One move that players should be aware of is called "peeking." Peeking is when the dealer looks at their hidden card to see if they have blackjack. This can be a subtle move, and is often difficult for players to spot.