Can you refer Casino to your friends and families?



Casinos are very crucial in some part of the world most especially in Las Vegas where Casino is mostly practiced. This is one of the cities that supported casinos most in the world. Companies could be introduced to friends and even online platforms could also be referred to friends. Is it really possible to reffer a casino companies to friends and families? So many people have the notion that they cannot refer casinos to their friends and families. what is your thought about this?
That's a very tough question. I play gamble secretly and I never revealed it to my family members and my friends. it will be difficult for me to refer my friends and families to casinos. I would rather prefer to invite someone that is not close to me and someone I know that's is also a gambler.
That's a very tough question. I play gamble secretly and I never revealed it to my family members and my friends. it will be difficult for me to refer my friends and families to casinos. I would rather prefer to invite someone that is not close to me and someone I know that's is also a gambler.
You have a very vital point because I discovered that most of the people who gambled do not want to disclose it to their family members. The same thing is applicable to me because I gamble secretly. No one in my household knew that I gamble.
Of course I can recommend casino websites to my friends they are my peer group and they will understand me better when I introduce them to it but when it comes to introducing casino websites to my family that's a no-go area for me they see gambling as a totally bad thing to do.
I can refer online casino platform that is legit and has been registered to my friends and family only if I have seen anyone cash out or a platform in which I have been gambling on, and I know it a good site that pays players after they win
Many family members are too workaholic, i can't introduce something like this to anyone of them unless if they know about it and they start doing it themselves. I can still introduce casino to many of my friends as many of them before are into betting
Many family members are too workaholic, i can't introduce something like this to anyone of them unless if they know about it and they start doing it themselves. I can still introduce casino to many of my friends as many of them before are into betting
It is better you know the kind of people you want to introduce casinos to most especially if you are from Africa. In Nigeria Casino is seen as an activity that is engaged by irresponsible people. And if you are introducing such to the people ,you will be perceived in a different way
I don't always like referring to whatever that I am doing that's very risky or stressful. That's why I can never involve in such. Sometimes, when the families and friends lose, they blame it on their referral.
I don't always like referring to whatever that I am doing that's very risky or stressful. That's why I can never involve in such. Sometimes, when the families and friends lose, they blame it on their referral.
In this part of the world gambling, is seen as something else and the way it is perceived is different from the way It Is perceived in the Western countries and that's why you need to be very careful when you are introducing it to someone.
In this part of the world gambling, is seen as something else and the way it is perceived is different from the way It Is perceived in the Western countries and that's why you need to be very careful when you are introducing it to someone.
There's absolutely nothing wrong in introducing casino to friends and families but by the time you are introducing it and they are seeing you as somebody who is not responsible, it will not speak well.
There's absolutely nothing wrong in introducing casino to friends and families but by the time you are introducing it and they are seeing you as somebody who is not responsible, it will not speak well.
There truly nothing wrong in introducing casino to friends and families but just like you mentioned it, in this part of the world there are people who do not like this casino and they will see you as a itresponsible person.
I can only refer casino to my friends and not family, because friends will quickly understand the system than family, it's even advisable to stick with friends alone than family, to be on a safer side that's it
Yeah sure I could actually refer my friends to gambling ,like for Instance I could tell them about gambling ,like they should know what it takes to be a gambler and teach them how to earn more money
Yeah sure I could actually refer my friends to gambling ,like for Instance I could tell them about gambling ,like they should know what it takes to be a gambler and teach them how to earn more money
It is very important that you introduce casino to a friend that you knew has the interest because in my country introducing gambling to someone could be perceived from a bad angle that you would not want to happen.
I have never tried such and I will never do it. It is extremely not a good enough to introduce casino to friends and families because they would see you as an irresponsible gambler at the end of the day.
I will refer more of my friends than my family. Though my gambling activities have been influenced largely by my cousin but I wouldn't influence anyone that is a family gambling activities. I will prefer they do it themselves.
Based on the way casino is perceived in my country of residence, it will be extremely difficult to introduce it to friends and families. It is better I keep playing and I keep winning without introducing it to anyone.