Can you trust someone to help you run your gambling portfolio ?


Well-known member
Can you actually trust someone to help you handle and run your portfolio , because at times you might actually be very busy sorting out some important things and others , then he gives someone his gambling portfolio to help him run and handle , so that he or she could likely make more money , can you actually take such kind of bold steps , I would love to hear your opinion on that
It is better to run the channel or the platform by oneself. With this, we will be able to monitor the progress of the business. Giving it to someone else for monitoring may allow the person to cheat on us
Can you actually trust someone to help you handle and run your portfolio , because at times you might actually be very busy sorting out some important things and others , then he gives someone his gambling portfolio to help him run and handle , so that he or she could likely make more money , can you actually take such kind of bold steps , I would love to hear your opinion on that
It can be quite hard to perform this action, but the custodian of the portfolio will need to be someone who has had your back through thick and thin. They are rare to find in this world nowadays, but those are the people you should be dealing with