Cannabis and poker: share your thoughts



Marijuana and poker, now there's an interesting pair. On the one hand, a little weed can help relax a player and loosen their grip on logic and reason. Some might say that's an advantage at the poker table, being able to think outside the box.

But in my view, playing while highcuts too close to the bone. When money's at stake, you need all your wits about you. One false step can cost you the pot, or even see you staring at an empty stack of chips. The table is no place for fuzzy thinking or wandering attention.

A little weed might make the game more "fun", but fun won't pay the bills. And before you know it, one joint's turned into five, and too much of that haze rubs off on your play. You start calling bets you otherwise wouldn't, go all-in on weak hands, bluff with nothing. Pretty soon you're out of chips and coming down from your high, cursing yourself.

Me, I'll stick to my coffee or soft drinks at the table. Keep a clear head, see the game for what it is - no room for anything clouding my judgment. A player should want to win at poker, not escape from it. That's my view on cannabis and the card game. What's yours?
Impairment is one of the biggest issues with cannabis use while playing poker. Decision-making, coordination, and cognitive function can all be impacted by cannabis. This impairment could result in subpar performance or errors.