Casino Crime Roundup: Man in Florida Jail After Alleged Threats at Seminole Casino

43-year-old man remained in jail Friday after he allegedly threatened to shoot people at Florida’s Seminole Casino Hotel Immokalee earlier this week. He indicated he had a gun, but none was found.

Morris Burgess of Immokalee, Fla. was apprehended on Sunday following a disturbance starting at the casino’s valet area after he allegedly yelled at a valet employee. Burgess at one point allegedly warned the attendant, “I am going to shoot you,” Florida TV station WBBH reported.

Burgess was holding onto a closed backpack and indicated there was a firearm stored inside, police said. He then went into the casino and implied to another person he had a firearm, police said.

Burgess was eventually apprehended and was charged with two counts of aggravated assault and a single count of resisting arrest, according to Florida radio station WFLA.
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