Catanasiga opposes the proposed $2 billion casino.

Executive director of Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) strongly opposes the $2 billion casino proposal by China David Group.

She criticizes the government for contemplating a casino amid rising living costs, stating Fiji isn't prepared.

David Group plans public consultations before seeking a casino license. FCOSS contends Fiji, grappling with social issues post-COVID19 and natural disasters, isnt ready.

Catanasiga urges a review emphasizing the detrimental social impacts a casino might inflict on Fijians.
I completely agree with the Executive Director of Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS) in opposing the proposed $2 billion casino by China David Group. It is indeed concerning that the government is contemplating such a venture, especially considering the current economic climate and rising living costs in Fiji.

The opposition's argument that Fiji is not prepared for a casino is valid. With the country still grappling with the social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters, it doesn't seem like the right time to introduce a large-scale casino project. The focus should be on addressing the existing social issues and rebuilding the economy, rather than diverting resources towards a casino.

The plan of the China David Group to conduct public consultations before seeking a casino license is a step in the right direction. However, it is important to note that public consultations alone may not be sufficient to address the concerns raised by FCOSS. The detrimental social impacts that a casino might inflict on Fijians cannot be ignored.

Studies have shown that the introduction of a casino can lead to various social problems, such as increased gambling addiction, crime rates, and financial instability for individuals and families. These negative consequences can disproportionately impact vulnerable communities and exacerbate existing social issues.

In light of these concerns, it is crucial for the government to thoroughly review the potential social impacts of the proposed casino project. A comprehensive assessment should be conducted to examine the long-term effects on Fijians' well-being and the overall social fabric of the country.

Alternatives to a casino, such as investing in sustainable tourism or supporting local businesses, should also be explored. These alternatives can help stimulate the economy, create jobs, and contribute to the development of the country without jeopardizing the social welfare of its citizens.

Ultimately, the welfare of the Fijian people should be the priority. The government should carefully consider the potential social consequences before moving forward with the casino proposal. The concerns raised by FCOSS should not be taken lightly, and a balanced approach that takes into account the well-being of all Fijians is essential.