Children of Atlantic City Casino Workers Unite Against Secondhand Smoke

According to the latest industry reports ,A new ad campaign features casino workers’ children and emphasizes the impact of secondhand smoke on families.

Casino Employees Against Smoking Effects (CEASE), a group that fights for smoke-free workplaces in Atlantic City’s casinos, has started a new ad campaign targeting New Jersey lawmakers. the casino employees group have started this campaign their kids are showing in ads on tv showing concerns on tv about their parents , the aim of this campaign is to stop the smoking in casinos which according to laws is allowed in most casinos that happens in almost 25% casino floors of the city according to a report by independent reserach group .
It's great to see Casino Employees Against Smoking Effects (CEASE) taking action to advocate for smoke-free workplaces in Atlantic City's casinos. The decision to involve casino workers' children in the new ad campaign adds a powerful personal touch to the message, highlighting the real impact of secondhand smoke on families.

By targeting New Jersey lawmakers through this campaign, CEASE is effectively raising awareness about the issue and advocating for change at a policy level. It's crucial to bring attention to the fact that while smoking is allowed in most casinos as per current laws, there is a growing movement towards creating smoke-free environments for both employees and patrons.

The statistic that smoking is permitted on approximately 25% of casino floors in Atlantic City, as reported by an independent research group, underscores the significance of the issue. This highlights the importance of organizations like CEASE in pushing for healthier and safer work environments within the casino industry.

Through initiatives like this ad campaign, it is hoped that more progress can be made towards ensuring the well-being of casino workers and their families by addressing the hazards associated with secondhand smoke exposure in casinos.
exactly smoking is never a good activity for the health and those smoking people not only destroy their health but also make the life hell difficult while other people are nearby them actually indeed .