Paddy Power's co-founder, a well-known bookmaker, died at the age of 77. This man passed away quietly at Dublin's Beacon Hospital, having played a key role in turning a tiny Irish bookmaker into a major worldwide force. The Paddy Power brand's owner, the massive gaming company Flutter Entertainment, also sent condolences.
International recognition of Paddy Power was largely attributed to its audacious and frequently contentious advertising campaigns. This founder's fortunes increased significantly as the company's online business thrived and eventually merged with Betfair. Approximately $433 million was his stake in the company in recent years.
International recognition of Paddy Power was largely attributed to its audacious and frequently contentious advertising campaigns. This founder's fortunes increased significantly as the company's online business thrived and eventually merged with Betfair. Approximately $433 million was his stake in the company in recent years.