Desire to escape from reality can fuel gambling addiction.


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The desire to escape from reality is a major risk factor for gambling addiction. When someone is unhappy with their life or struggling with stress, anxiety, or depression, they may turn to gambling as a way to escape from their problems.
Gambling can be a way to forget about the stressors of everyday life and feel like they're in control of something. However, escaping from reality through gambling often leads to more problems, and can actually make the original problems worse.
You have aptly capture this.i know a lot of gsmvlers here that got into it through the desire to escape from reality which them into gambling addiction. A lot of times it's life strugglingor depression, they may turn one in to a gambler. They are always sad and frustrated and as a way to escape route from their problems. they turn to gambling.
I can totally relate to this. There were times when I felt overwhelmed, and turning to gambling seemed like an escape. It's crazy how it starts as a way to cope, but ends up making things even more complicated. Learning to address the root issues is key.
Yeah obviously , and I think gambling addiction can cause a lot of problem , that's why every gambler should understand the concept of gambling no matter what , so that they don't lose a lot of money and others