Do conclusive or concealing factors affects betting progression ?


Well-known member
I think Yes, conclusive or concealing factors can affect the progression of betting. For example, if there is news or information that emerges before a game that significantly affects the outcome of the game, such as a star player being injured or a team experiencing internal disputes, this can cause the odds to change, leading to a shift in the betting progression.
I completely agree with you. Conclusive or concealing factors can indeed have a significant impact on the progression of betting. In the example you provided, news about a key player being injured or a team facing internal conflicts can directly influence the betting odds and the overall outcome of the game.

These factors are known as "sharp" information in the betting world, as they can provide valuable insights that affect the way people bet. Bettors who are aware of such information may adjust their strategies, change their bets, or even decide not to bet at all based on the new circumstances. This dynamic nature of betting makes it crucial for punters to stay informed and adapt to changing situations to make more informed decisions.

In conclusion, it is essential for bettors to consider all available information, both conclusive and concealing, to have a better understanding of the betting landscape and to adjust their strategies accordingly.