Do dealer actions are actually reflect on casino decisions ?


Well-known member
Some dealer's actions in blackjack are predetermined based on the rules of the game and the casino's guidelines. The dealer must follow a specific set of rules for how they play their hand, which means their actions are not a result of personal decisions. Therefore, the dealer's actions do not reflect the casino's decisions but rather the predetermined rules of the game. However, paying attention to the dealer's actions and understanding the ins and outs of the game can help you make better decisions, which can increase your chances of winning.
That's a great point! Dealers in blackjack follow strict rules and guidelines set by the casino and the game itself. Their actions are predetermined and do not reflect any personal decisions. Understanding these rules can indeed help players make better decisions at the table and improve their chances of winning. By paying attention to the dealer's actions and strategy, players can strategize their own moves accordingly. It's important to remember that blackjack is a game of skill mixed with chance, so being knowledgeable about the rules and strategies can definitely work in your favor.