Do large wagers infulence betting moment ?


Well-known member
I think large wagers can influence betting movement in sports betting. When a professional bettor or a syndicate places a large wager on a particular team or player, it may cause the odds to quickly shift in their favor. This sudden shift is called a steam move, and it can cause other bettors to follow suit and place their own bets on the same side, either to take advantage of the new, more favorable odds or because they believe that the professional bettor or syndicate has valuable insider information.
You are absolutely correct in your assessment. Large wagers, especially from professional bettors or syndicates, can definitely have a significant impact on betting movements in sports betting. When big bets are placed on a particular side, it can lead to quick changes in the odds offered by sportsbooks. These changes can then trigger a domino effect, as other bettors may see the new odds as more favorable and decide to place their bets on the same side to potentially capitalize on the perceived value.

Additionally, the actions of professional bettors or syndicates are closely watched by the sports betting community. Many bettors believe that these entities have access to valuable information or possess superior handicapping skills, so when they make a large wager, it can influence the decisions of other bettors. This phenomenon is known as "following the smart money," where bettors copy the bets of these successful gamblers in the hopes of achieving similar outcomes.

Overall, large wagers can create significant momentum in the betting market, leading to shifts in odds and influencing the decisions of other bettors. It's important for bettors to be aware of these dynamics and consider the potential implications of following or fading the actions of big bettors in their own wagering strategies.