Do most casino gambler takes the activities as a full time job ?


Well-known member
I think the majority of casino gamblers do not consider it as a full-time job. Instead, they view it as a form of entertainment and leisure activity. Some professional gamblers do exist, but they are in the minority and have specific skills and strategies that enable them to make a living from gambling.

Do most casino gambler takes the activities as a full time job
You are absolutely correct in your assessment. The vast majority of casino gamblers do not consider gambling as a full-time job. For most people, going to a casino is a form of entertainment, a way to relax and have fun. They do not rely on gambling as a primary source of income.

Professional gamblers, on the other hand, are a small minority. These individuals have honed their skills over time and developed strategies that allow them to consistently make a profit from their gambling activities. They treat gambling like a serious business, dedicating significant time and effort to analyzing games, managing their bankroll, and exploiting any edge they can find.

It's important to recognize that professional gambling is not easy and comes with significant risks. Success as a professional gambler requires a combination of skill, discipline, and a thorough understanding of the games being played. Most people who gamble at casinos do so casually, understanding that the odds are typically against them and that they are playing for entertainment purposes rather than as a means of making a living.