Do most casino gamblers set their strategies themselves ?


Well-known member
i think most casino gamblers set their own strategies based on their previous experiences, knowledge, and intuition. Some may also seek advice from more experienced gamblers or do research online before making a strategy. However, the effectiveness of these strategies can vary widely, as casino games are largely based on chance and luck.
You bring up some great points about casino gamblers and their strategies. It's true that many players rely on their own experiences, knowledge, and intuition when developing their strategies. Seeking advice from more experienced players or conducting online research are also common tactics that can help inform their decision-making.

However, as you rightly mentioned, casino games are predominantly based on chance and luck, which means that no strategy can guarantee a win. The house edge ensures that over the long term, the casino will always come out on top. Despite this, having a strategy can help players manage their bets, set limits, and maximize their enjoyment.

Ultimately, it's crucial for players to approach casino gambling with a sense of realism and understanding that no strategy can overcome the inherent randomness of the games. It's all about having fun and playing responsibly.
Many casino gamblers do set their strategies themselves, often based on their personal preferences, experience, and knowledge of the games they play. Some players develop their strategies through trial and error, while others may study strategies from books, online resources, or fellow players. Strategies can vary widely depending on the game being played, ranging from basic betting systems to more complex mathematical approaches. However, it's important to note that not all strategies are effective, and some may even be based on misconceptions or superstitions. Additionally, casinos often have rules and house edges that limit the effectiveness of certain strategies. Ultimately, each player approaches gambling with their unique strategy, but success ultimately depends on factors such as luck, skill, and discipline.
Many gamblers don't determine their own game plans. Without a sound plan, players risk losing their money quickly in a casino that is purposefully set up to give the house an advantage over time.