Do most casino players takes single odds control ?


Well-known member
I feel! in the game of craps, taking single odds is a common strategy recommended by many experts as it offers a lower house edge for players. Some players may choose to take larger or smaller odds based on their risk appetite and bankroll size. Ultimately, it's up to the individual player to determine their betting strategy.
Taking single odds in craps is indeed a popular strategy among many players. It is a simple and effective way to reduce the house edge on your bets, making it a favorable choice for those looking to maximize their chances of winning. By taking single odds, players can increase their potential payouts without significantly increasing their risk.

However, as you mentioned, some players may opt to take larger or smaller odds depending on their personal preferences and financial situation. Those who are more risk-averse may choose to stick with single odds to limit their exposure, while others with a higher tolerance for risk may decide to increase their odds for the chance of bigger wins.

Ultimately, the decision to take single, double, or even higher odds in craps is a personal one. It's essential for players to understand the implications of their choices and how it can impact their overall gaming experience. By weighing the pros and cons of different betting strategies, players can find a method that works best for their individual style of play.